Friday 30 June 2017

Role of Home Loan Grants in Buying New Home

Home loan grants can be a significant source of funding for the person who is buying the home first time. Unlike a mortgage or loan, a grant does not need to repaid, which means that all these programs are targeted to specific areas where government is interested in investing in the community revitalization.

Federal Home Buyer Grants
Federal government does not allow the housing grants to be available to families or individuals. But if they try to make these grants available to families to individuals. They make these grants available to states and certain cities, they are then responsible for the distribution of funds to its citizens.

Grants for First Time Home Buyers

Home Builder Incentives
Most of the federal grants are targeted to the home buyer who is buying the home for the first time, and they are aimed at helping same individual who needs that home ownership. These are the grants which should not be expected to cover a large part of cost of new home. Home lone grants are used for purchasing new home, as there are many qualifying rules for all these funds. But these grants should not be expected to cover a large percentage of the cost of new home. Most of it covers almost 10% of the value of home or it is also expected to pay for only some of the specific expenses including closing costs.

American Dream Grant
American Dream Down payment initiative (ADDI) was a federal home grant program which was signed in late 2003. It was the most generous grant program run during that period of time. The basic objective behind the creation of ADDI was helping low-income and first time home buyer for purchasing new homes by the provision of funds for down payments, closing costs and some of the rehabilitation projects.

HOME Investment Partnerships Program
HOME is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments.  The program is designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.  Each year, the HOME Investment Partnership Program allocates approximately $2 billion among the states, as well as hundreds of localities throughout the United States.

HOME is the largest Federal block grant to local and state governments. This is specifically designed for the creation of affordable housing for low-income households. Households which are eligible for the home assistance differ according to nature of funded activity. Moreover, the incomes of households receiving HUD assistance must not exceed more than 80% of area median.

Check our Buying or Selling a House Video